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ISO/IEC 20000 Foundation - eLearning

5.500,00 DKK

  • 21 hours

ISO/IEC 20000 er den internationale standard specifikt for IT Service Management. Den beskriver et integreret sæt af ledelsesprocesser, som udgør et service management system til effektiv levering af tjenester til virksomheden og dens kunder. ISO/IEC 20000 fastlægger kravene og giver detaljerne til at implementere et effektivt Service Management System, der er nødvendigt for at levere IT-tjenester af høj kvalitet, samt vejledning i at demonstrere overholdelse af standarden. ISO/IEC 20000 Foundation er certificeringen på indgangsniveau. Kandidater vil lære, hvordan standarden fungerer i en typisk IT-serviceudbyderorganisation.

ISO/IEC 20000


Bekræft din evne til:

  • Forstå forholdet mellem ISO/IEC 20000-standarden og ITSM, og brug bedste praksis inden for ITSM til at anvende passende metoder i en organisation.
  • Forstå, identificer og forklar de potentielle problemer vedrørende anvendelighed, berettigelse og afgrænsning for at bistå i vurdering af certificeringsberedskab, certificeringsrevisioner og rådgivning om implementering af løbende forbedringsprocesser.
  • Udarbejd en gap-analyse understøttet af en forbedrings- og implementeringsplan.
  • Beskriv omfanget, målene og anvendelsen af ISO/IEC 20000-specifikationen og kodeks for god praksis gennem en forståelse af standardens forskellige dele.
  • Genkend behovet for at planlægge og implementere ITSM-processer, rapportere om IT-tjenesterne væsentlige målinger af ITSM-processerne, planlægge og gennemføre regelmæssige gennemgange, vurderinger og revisioner samt planlægge for løbende serviceforbedring.


  1. Baggrund og relaterede ordninger

    Lektion 01

  2. Scope, usage, terms, and definitions

    Lesson 02

  3. Overall Service Management System (SMS)

    Lesson 03

  4. ISO/IEC 20000 Service Management processes

    Lesson 04

  5. Certification, applicability, and scope

    Lesson 05

  6. Achieving and maintaining ISO/IEC 20000-1 certification

    Lesson 06

Learning Outcomes

The candidate will have achieved the knowledge of the following:

ISO/IEC 20000 Standard

- The background to the ISO/IEC 20000 standard, the APMG qualification scheme, and the APMG qualification scheme; - The focus and objectives of ISO/IEC 20000-1 (Specification), ISO/IEC 20000-2 (Code of Practice) and ISO/IEC 20000-3 (Guidance on Scope and Applicability of ISO/IEC 20000-1), and how these can be used; - The terminology and definitions used;

Service Management System

- The fundamental requirements of a service management system and the reasons behind the necessity for continual improvement; - The processes, their objectives, and the critical requirements of a services supplier in a typical scenario; - The requirements of eligibility and definition of the field;


The objectives of internal and external audits, their function, their operation, and associated terminology. The processes, their objectives, and high-level requirements. Applicability and scope definition requirement.

Best Practices

The relationship with best practices, ITIL®, and related standards, ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 27001.

Key Features


Kursus og materiale er på engelsk


Seven lessons (about 5 hours of video recorded by accredited teachers).


120 dages adgang når som helst til e-læringsplatformen (selvstudium)


Downloadable PDF documents with detailed content (slides, explanations) for each lesson.

Mock Exam

With Exercises and solutions.


Eksamenskupon inkluderet


Who Should Enroll in this Program?

Staff working within a service provider organization requires a basic understanding of the standard. It is equally relevant for those working within service providers already certified to ISO/IEC 20000 or those considering its implementation.

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for ISO/IEC 20000 Foundation certification.

IT Professionals / Practitioner

IT Consultant

IT Auditors

IT System Manager

Start Course Now

Exam Information

Exam and certification: Online!

Take your exam when you are ready, have time, and wherever you are ...

The exam will be taken online, which gives you the convenient choice of writing the exam at home or in the office. We need a computer with Internet for exams and a webcam (ProctorU). Exams are included in this eLearning package. Very flexible!

To complete the course and have optimal exam preparation, we recommend you spend at least 21 hours of study.

Exam details:

  • Multiple choice
  • 40 questions per paper
  • 26 marks required to pass (out of 40 available) - 65%
  • 60 minutes duration
  • Closed book

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